First Phase Girls Room Construction
Every donation, no matter its size, is a step towards realizing our shared dream:
a safe and promising future for these girls.

At Eves Project 1040, we are committed to providing a safe and comfortable home for vulnerable girls in South Asia. Our work, driven by the generosity of our supporters, has been a beacon of hope for many. Hoover, we are facing an urgent challenge: The shelter they are currently living in built is at risk of collapsing, and the rainy season threatens to leave our girls without a safe refuge.
We are racing against time to complete a new two-story building that will not only offer security but also provide a space where the girls can live and learn in a spacious and clean environment. The first phase of construction is almost complete, but we need your support to finalize this vital project.
We deeply appreciate all those who have already contributed to this cause. Your support has been crucial and has made projects like this a reality. To those who have not yet joined, we extend a warm invitation to become part of our community of change. Every donation, no matter its size, is a step towards realizing our shared dream: a safe and promising future for these girls.
The generosity of our donors is the driving force behind our work. With your help, we can ensure that the transition to their new home is safe and timely. This building represents more than just a structure; it is the promise of a new beginning, a sanctuary of peace, and a place for these girls to thrive.
Help us to continue transforming lives